Най-добрата пица на изток от Рим!

TRI CYCLE Merlot & Cabernet, Sauvignon & Cabernet Franc (Code: )

AROMA:Jammy, dominated by black wild berries, nicely combined with slight shades of noble oak.


Price: 11.99
Copyright MAXXmarketing GmbH


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Cereals containing gluten
Peanuts and products thereof
Crustaceans and products thereof
Eggs and products thereof
Fish and fish products
Soybeans and soy products
Milk and dairy product
Nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews
Celery and products thereof
Mustard and products thereof
Sesame seeds and products thereof
Sulfur dioxide and sulphites than 10 mg / kg or 10 g / litre
Lupin and products thereof
Molluscs and products thereof